Female Disorders
Ayurveda explains three groups of Female disorders.
1) Artava Dushti (menstrual disorders)
2) Yoni Vyapat (Uterine pathologies)
3) Stana Roga (Breast Pathology)
Healthy menstrual blood and regular menstruation contribute vital role in Female fertility. This is a new topic of research in modern Physiology. There are more than 300 unique protienes found in menstrual blood which are not there in regular blood. It is thought that these protiens play an important role in implantation and nourishment of embryo. Hence it is important for a lady not to disturb menstruation by using contraceptive pills or devices. Dysmenorrhoea, oiligomenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, menorrhagia and irregular menstruation are commonly treated manstrual disorders in our centre. It is important to correct these pathology and bring back normal menstruation to preserve fertility in females. Ayurveda included vaginal fistulas in Menstrual diseases, as the urine or fecal matter gets mixed with menstrual blood in these patients. There are effective formulations and therapies useful in treating such conditions.
Twenty Uterine pathologies called Yonivyapath is explained in all the classical treatises of Ayurveda. It varies from Pathologies of Vulva, vagina, cervix and body of uterus. Vulvo-vaginitis, Leukorrhoea, Endometriosis, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, cervical cancer, Endometrial cancer, repeated abortions, uterine prolapse are some of the uterine pathologies we treat. Most of these conditions can lead to female infertility. We screen all ladies with secondary infertility for any of these pathology regularly.
Therapies, Treatments and Services

Expells accumulated imbalancing substances called Doshas and Ama from all organs and systems of body

Destroys fatigue,insomnia,ageing and excessive vata, Protects eyes and skin, Provides compactness, nourishment and longivity

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care profession, emphasizing prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that encourage individuals’ inherent self-healing process.

What we put into our bodies influences the harmonious balance of our systems. But our dietary choices are complex with social, cultural, and habitual origins. Our team will work with you and use the power of food to heal your body.