Digestive Diseases
After birth it is the food that transform into your body. Digestion is the magic of converting the dead tissues of plants and animals you eat into your living tissues again. Hence ayurveda understand digestion as the begining of all metabolic processes. The concept of digestive fire and indigestion leading undermetabolised plasma called Ama are unique to Ayurveda. Diseases are called Amaya as most of them are originated due to Ama, metabolic delay. Classics of Ayurveda explains three stages of digestion and production of Doshas from each stage. Accute diseases like vomitting, diarrhoea, gastritis, indigestion are explained in details with effective treatments. Inflammatory bowel diseases are listed under Gulma. Irritable bowel diseases are listed under Grahani. Ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease and piles are very frequently treated diseases. Liver and gall bladder diseases are also treated effectively in our centre.
Therapies, Treatments and Services

Expells accumulated imbalancing substances called Doshas and Ama from all organs and systems of body

Destroys fatigue,insomnia,ageing and excessive vata, Protects eyes and skin, Provides compactness, nourishment and longivity

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care profession, emphasizing prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that encourage individuals’ inherent self-healing process.

What we put into our bodies influences the harmonious balance of our systems. But our dietary choices are complex with social, cultural, and habitual origins. Our team will work with you and use the power of food to heal your body.