Joint Diseases
Ayurveda understands pathology of various Joint diseases in detail and proposes very effective treatments and medications. Joint diseases which are most frequently treated in our centre are Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rheumatic Arthritis, Osteo Arthritis, Gout, Psoriatic arthritis and non specific poly arthritis. If treated in early stages most of these diseases are completely curable. In advanced stages, disease progression can be arrested and it can be maintained asymptomatic with the help of long term medication.
According to Ayurveda there are three main causes for Joint pathologies. Those types of Arthritis found in teenage to younger age are due to metabolic delay and production of unmetablised lymph called as Ama. Body try to metaboilse this substance in mucus membranes and various cavities of the body first. And when that effort is failed later it comes to circulation producing general signs and symptoms. Finally it comes joints where it causes inflammation and deformation.
Cancer is not a single disease, but it is a cellular response that can happen in various tissues at a particular stage of many diseases. There are few infections like Helico-bacterium Pilorie, if left untreated may lead to Stomach cancer. Human Pappiloma Virus infection of cervix of Uterus can lead to Cervical cancer. Hepatitis -B will progress to Hepato-cellular Carcinoma. Hormonal imbalances can also lead to Cancer. Estrogen sensitive Breast cancers and Testosterone sensitive prostrate cancers are examples of it. Lately research shows that there is a genetic basis for cancer pathology, and mutation to tumor suppressor genes is the source of pathology. Exposure to toxins like pesticides, viral infections or radiation are factors which can cause these genetic mutations.

Neurology Diseases
Ayurveda counts Brain as one among three Master Marmas (Vitial Organs). Charaka Samhita compares Brain to Sun, and nerves to sun rays that spreads everywhere in the body. Nerves are called as Indriya pranavaha Srotas in Ayurveda. They are channels which carries Indriya PrAna (nerve impulses). Sensory organs, motor organs and mind are together eleven Indriyas. So Ayurveda classifies nerves into those supplying Sensory organs - Sensory nerves and motor nerves, and those concerned with mental functions. Imbalances in those centers or nerves will lead to signs and symptoms according its original functions.
Spine Disorders
Frequently treated spine disorders are motor neuron disease, spinal muscular atrophy, multiple sclerosis, disco-vertebral degeneration, cervical spondylosis and spinal cord injuries.
Low back pain and neck pain are frequent complaints among the youth and elders alike. Many occupations using computers for long hours, travelling long distances and various other postural factors are contributing to the etiology. Intensity of the problem varies from inflammation of muscles and fascia around the spine to those involving changes to spinal code and spinal nerves. In conditions caused by external injuries or strain, Ayurveda focus on external therapies , where as diseases due to internal pathology like spondylitis, Ayurveda focus more on internal medicine and therapies.

skin Diseases
Skin and mucous membranes are contineous external and internal layers of human body which are the main seats of the first tissue called rasa dhatu (serum) according to Ayurveda. Hence digestive health instantly influences skin and respiratory system. We observe that people who are affected with skin diseases are prone to get respiratory and digestive disorders for the same reason. When strong medicines like cortisone cream are used to suppress skin diseases, it often leads to respiratory or digestive system diseases. This is because the doshas can move from skin to these sites easily. Hence when we treat skin diseases, purification therapies are always used to make sure that the doshas don't hide in any other seats.
Female Disorders
Ayurveda explains three groups of Female disorders.
1) Artava Dushti (menstrual disorders)
2) Yoni Vyapat (Uterine pathologies)
3) Stana Roga (Breast Pathology)
Healthy menstrual blood and regular menstruation contribute vital role in Female fertility. This is a new topic of research in modern Physiology. There are more than 300 unique protienes found in menstrual blood which are not there in regular blood. It is thought that these protiens play an important role in implantation and nourishment of embryo. Hence it is important for a lady not to disturb menstruation by using contraceptive pills or devices.

Muscular Dystrophy
Muscular Dystrophies are a group of Genetic diseases due to mutation or deletion of genes controlling muscle protein production or muscle repair. Most of these diseases shows its first symptoms at the age of 6-8 years of age. Some rare types like Bekker's Muscular Dystorphy starts latter at early twenties and does not affect internal organs like heart. Where as the serious type DMD affect heat muscles and respiratory muscles latter. Ayurveda understand this condition as Balashosha. It is a condition where bodily tissues and immunity undergo depletion. Fascioscapulohumeral Muscular dystrophy is purely vata in its origin. Children born with diseases cannot close their eyes completely even at birth. Also they will have weak sucking and cannot close the mouth completely. They have all extreme features of Vata constitution, and at later stage their spine undergo extreme scoliosis and lordosis.
Digestive Disorders
After birth it is the food that transform into your body. Digestion is the magic of converting the dead tissues of plants and animals you eat into your living tissues again. Hence ayurveda understand digestion as the begining of all metabolic processes. The concept of digestive fire and indigestion leading undermetabolised plasma called Ama are unique to Ayurveda. Diseases are called Amaya as most of them are originated due to Ama, metabolic delay. Classics of Ayurveda explains three stages of digestion and production of Doshas from each stage. Accute diseases like vomitting, diarrhoea, gastritis, indigestion are explained in details with effective treatments. Inflammatory bowel diseases are listed under Gulma. Irritable bowel diseases are listed under Grahani. Ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease and piles are very frequently treated diseases. Liver and gall bladder diseases are also treated effectively in our centre.

Psychological Diseases
Ayurveda defines life as the embodiment of soul. The rebirth theory is postulated by logicaly clarifying all arguments against it. When a soul depart from the body during death, it takes a subtle body with it comprised of mind, inteligence and eago. At the time of rebirth soul enters the embryo with these psycho-spiritual body. Mind is subtle and single. Mind senses the impressions of all sensory organs and reacts to it during conscious state. Mind can create its own impressions when it is disconected from sense organs, which is called as dream. This state of mind is known as subconscious mind. And when mind is tired of all the impressions from dream, it disconnects from the soul. This is called as unconscious state. In Indian phylosophy it is called as Sushupti or deep sleep. Mind performes diferent functions in each state of consciousness. The impressions of all these functions from many lives are carried as "vasana" (tendancy).